Laws of the Game 2024/25
Spielregeln 2024/25
Reglas de Juego 2024/25
Lois du Jeu 2024/25
Laws of the Game 2024/25 (Arabic)
Laws of the Game 2024/25 (Brazilian Portuguese)
Laws of the Game 2024/25 (Traditional Chinese)
Laws of the Game 2023/24
Spielregeln 2023/24
Reglas de Juego 2023/24
Lois du Jeu 2023/24
Laws of the Game 2023/24 (Arabic)
Laws of the Game 2023/24 (Traditional Chinese)
Laws of the Game 2023/24 (Russian)
Laws of the Game 2022/23
Laws of the Game 2022/23 (Arabic)
Laws of the Game 2024/25 (Ukrainian)
Laws of the Game 2024/25 (Korean)
Laws of the Game 2024/25 (Russian)
Laws of the Game 2022/23 (Brazilian Portuguese)
Laws of the Game 2022/23 (Traditional Chinese)
Lois du Jeu 2022/23
Reglas de Juego 2022/23
Spielregeln 2022/23
Laws of the Game 2021/22
Laws of the Game 2020/21
Spielregeln 2021/22
Laws of the Game 2023/24 (Brazilian Portuguese)
Spielregeln 2020/21
Lois du Jeu 2021/22
Reglas de Juego 2021/22
Reglas de Juego 2020/21
Lois du Jeu 2020/21
Laws of the Game 2019/20
Laws of the Game 2018/19
Laws of the Game 2017/18
Laws of the Game 2016/17
Laws of the Game 2015/16
Laws of the Game 2014/15
Laws of the Game 2013/14
Laws of the Game 2012/13
Laws of the Game 2011/12
Laws of the Game 2010/11
Laws of the Game 2009/10
Laws of the Game 2008/09
Laws of the Game 2007/08
Laws of the Game 2006/07
Laws of the Game 2005/06
Laws of the Game 2004/05
Laws of the Game 2003/04
Laws of the Game 2002/03
Laws of the Game 2001/02
Laws of the Game 2000/01
Laws of the Game 1999/00
Laws of the Game 1998/99
Laws of the Game 1997/98
Laws of the Game 1996/97
Laws of the Game 1995/96
Laws of the Game 1994/95
Laws of the Game 1993/94
Laws of the Game 1992/93
Laws of the Game 1991/92
Laws of the Game 1990/91
Laws of the Game 1989/90
Laws of the Game 1988/89
Laws of the Game 1987/88
Laws of the Game 1986/87
Laws of the Game 1985/86
Laws of the Game 1984/85
Laws of the Game 1983/84
Laws of the Game 1982/83
Laws of the Game 1981/82
Laws of the Game 1980/81
Laws of the Game 1979/80
Laws of the Game 1978/79
Laws of the Game 1976/77
Laws of the Game 1975/76
Laws of the Game 1974/75
Laws of the Game 1973/74
Laws of the Game 1972/73
Laws of the Game 1971/72
Laws of the Game 1970/71
Laws of the Game 1969/70
Laws of the Game 1968/69
Laws of the Game 1967/68
Laws of the Game 1966/67
Laws of the Game 1963/64
Laws of the Game 1961/62
Laws of the Game 1957/58
Laws of the Game 1956/57
Laws of the Game 1954/55
Laws of the Game 1952/53
Laws of the Game 1948/49
Laws of the Game 1939/40
Laws of the Game 1937/38
Laws of the Game 1936/37
Laws of the Game 1935/36
Laws of the Game 1934/35
Laws of the Game 1933/34
Laws of the Game 1932/33
Laws of the Game 1931/32
Laws of the Game 1930/31
Laws of the Game 1929/30
Laws of the Game 1928/29
Laws of the Game 1927/28
Laws of the Game 1926/27
Laws of the Game 1925/26
Laws of the Game 1924/25
Laws of the Game 1922/23
Laws of the Game 1921/22
Laws of the Game 1913/14
Laws of the Game 1912/13
Laws of the Game 1903/04
Reglas de Juego 2019/20
Reglas de Juego 2018/19
Reglas de Juego 2017/18
Lois du Jeu 2019/20
Lois du Jeu 2018/19
Lois du Jeu 2017/18
Spielregeln 2019/20
Spielregeln 2018/19
Spielregeln 2017/18
Laws of the Game 2022/23 (Portuguese)
Laws of the Game 2021/22 (Portuguese)
Laws of the Game 2022/23 (Japanese)
Laws of the Game 2022/23 (Korean)
Laws of the Game 2021/22 (Korean)
Laws of the Game 2020/21 (Arabic)
Laws of the Game 2020/21 (Italian)
Laws of the Game 2020/21 (Montenegrin)
Laws of the Game 2019/20 (Ukrainian)
Laws of the Game 2019/20 (Arabic)
Laws of the Game 2019/20 (Georgian)
Laws of the Game 2019/20 (Russian)
Laws of the Game 2019/20 (Montenegrin)
Laws of the Game 2019/20 (Catalan)
Laws of the Game 2019/20 (Chinese)
Laws of the Game 2019/20 (Azerbaijani)
Laws of the Game 2019/20 (Portuguese)
Laws of the Game 2019/20 (Polish)
Laws of the Game 2021/22 (Georgian)
Annual General Meeting 2009 - Agenda
Annual General Meeting 2006 - Agenda
Laws of the Game 2021/22 (Japanese)
Laws of the Game 2021/22 (Ukrainian)
Laws of the Game 2021/22 (Russian)
Laws of the Game 2021/22 (Simplified Chinese)
Laws of the Game 2021/22 (Traditional Chinese)
Laws of the Game 2021/22 (Arabic)
Laws of the Game 2021/22 (Malaysian)
Laws of the Game 2020/21 (Korean)
Laws of the Game 2021/22 (Bulgarian)
Laws of the Game 2022 (Norwegian)
Laws of the Game 2023 (Faroese)
Laws of the Game 2021/22 (Faroese)
Laws of the Game 2022/23 (Latvian)
Laws of the Game 2022/23 (Turkish)
Laws of the Game 2022/23 (Russian)
Laws of the Game 2022/23 (Georgian)
Laws of the Game 2023/24 (Ukrainian)
Laws of the Game 2023/24 (Romanian)
Laws of the Game 2022/23 (Romanian)
Revised guidelines for temporary dismissals (sin bins)
Überarbeitete Leitlinien für Zeitstrafen
Version révisée des « Directives pour les exclusions temporaires »
Pautas actualizadas para las exclusiones temporales
Laws of the Game 2024 (Faroese)
Additional permanent concussion substitutes - protocol
Protokoll für zusätzliche dauerhafte Auswechslungen wegen Gehirnerschütterung
Protocole relatif aux remplacements permanents supplémentaires pour commotion cérébrale
Protocolo de las sustituciones adicionales permanentes por conmoción cerebral
Additional permanent concussion substitutions protocol (Arabic)
Additional permanent concussion substitutions protocol (Traditional Chinese)
Additional permanent concussion substitutions protocol (Brazilian Portuguese)
Changes to the Laws of the Game 2024/25
Regeländerungen 2024/25
Modifications apportées aux Lois du Jeu 2024/25
Cambios en las Reglas 2024/25
Changes to the Laws of the Game 2024/25 (Arabic)
Changes to the Laws of the Game 2024/25 (Brazilian Portuguese)
Changes to the Laws of the Game 2024/25 (Traditional Chinese)
Presentation of all changes and clarifications to the Laws of the Game 2022/23
Presentación de todos los cambios y aclaraciones de las reglas 2022/23
Präsentation aller Änderungen und Klarstellungen zu den Spielregeln 2022/23
Présentation de tous les changements et clarifications des lois du jeu 2022/23
Changes to the Laws of the Game 2022/23
Regeländerungen 2022/23
Modifications apportées aux Lois du Jeu 2022/23
Cambios en las Reglas 2022/23
Changes to the Laws of the Game 2021/22
Presentation of all changes and clarifications to the Laws 2021/22, incl. videos (Adobe Reader required)
Changes to the Laws of the Game 2020/21
Presentation of all changes and clarifications to the Laws 2020/21, incl. videos (Adobe Reader required)
Presentation of all changes and clarifications to the Laws of the Game 2024/25
Präsentation aller Änderungen und Klarstellungen zu den Spielregeln 2024/25
Presentación de todos los cambios y aclaraciones de las reglas 2024/25
Présentation de tous les changements et clarifications des lois du jeu 2024/25
Changes to the Laws of the Game 2023/24
Regeländerungen 2023/24
Cambios en las Reglas 2023/24
Regeländerungen 2021/22
Modifications apportées aux Lois du Jeu 2023/24
Präsentation aller Änderungen und Klarstellungen zu den Spielregeln 2021/22, inkl. Videos (Adobe Reader erforderlich)
Changes to the Laws of the Game 2023/24 (Arabic)
Changes to the Laws of the Game 2023/24 (Brazilian Portuguese)
Regeländerungen 2020/21
Cambios en las Reglas 2021/22
Presentación de todos los cambios y aclaraciones de las reglas 2021/22, incl. vídeos (Se requiere Adobe Reader)
Cambios en las Reglas 2020/21
Presentación de todos los cambios y aclaraciones de las reglas 2020/21, incl. vídeos (Se requiere Adobe Reader)
Modifications apportées aux Lois du Jeu 2021/22
Présentation de tous les changements et clarifications des lois du jeu 2021/22, avec vidéos (Adobe Reader requis)
Modifications apportées aux Lois du Jeu 2020/21
Présentation de tous les changements et clarifications des lois du jeu 2020/21, avec vidéos (Adobe Reader requis)
Präsentation aller Änderungen und Klarstellungen zu den Spielregeln 2020/21, inkl. Videos (Adobe Reader erforderlich)
Changes to the Laws of the Game 2019/20
Cambios en las Reglas 2019/20
Regeländerungen 2019/20
Changes to the Laws of the Game 2023/24 (Traditional Chinese)
Presentation of all changes and clarifications to the Laws of the Game 2023/24
Präsentation aller Änderungen und Klarstellungen zu den Spielregeln 2023/24
Presentación de todos los cambios y aclaraciones de las reglas 2023/24
Présentation de tous les changements et clarifications des lois du jeu 2023/24
Only the captain can approach the referee - guidelines for competitions
Zona exclusiva para capitanes - directrices para competiciones
Périmètre autour de l’arbitre réservé au capitaine - directives pour les compétitions
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